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Website TODO List (misc)

What about implementing the search in the Visual Studio .NET AddIn, and making the search work a little better (search on descriptions, etc and not just on function names)?

Adam Sills

The current list of updates that need to be made to the site.
  • Make the site work well in non-IE browsers
  • Fix the 'ButtonBar' bug
  • Enable an automatic way to add new modules
  • Have better organization of functions vs. structures vs. ...
  • Have a page that lets you select one or more signatures and have it generate a C# or VB file that contains those signatures.

Any other suggestions?


-- Adam Nathan

You can increase the contrib rate if you implement some kind of karma system. Developers run on Doritos, coffee, and ego.

Chris B. Behrens

One thing that I would like to see is a page that lets you select one or more signatures and have it generate a C# file that contains those signatures. --

Good idea! I've added it to the list! -- Adam

You could go a step further and allow someone to generate an entire class for one group type. So if someone wanted all the signatures for user32 generated into one class/file they could... -- Ben S. Stahlhood II (

You could add signatures for VB.NET "declares" and VB.NET samples. It would just be an extra section that would be nice for the vb developper. --Eric

[Note from Adam: Some pages already have this, and it's definitely my intention for all of them to have VB signatures. We just need volunteers to fill them in!]

Standard API-structs

  • I would like to see a <summary> tag in all elements of a struct.
  • Automatic link-references to Structures do not work.

Frank Dzaebel []

Another idea is an offline version. I find your site extremely useful, but internet costs are very expensive here (telephone calls): A periodically updated "snapshot" of this site would really be useful.



At the moment there is one problem with this solution: The references in the HTML-files are absolute URLs (such as instead of relative URLs which would make the job a lot easier Now I'm trying to just use SED to replace some of these references. I like that some of the references are absolute (for example those for editing the wiki so if you're online and double-click on the file you can interact with the version at instead of the local version), but image source and such would be easier to handle if they were relative.

When I find it nice enough I'll create a GotDotnet workspace for it. Unfortunately I've got a lot to do now in May (examn-period, so maybe it's June before it's ready...

-- Andreas Häber NOSPAMPLEASEa-haeberNOSPAMPLEASEfrisurf.noNOSPAMPLEASE (hope this keeps the spammers away

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